UCP Roma - Vannini


At the general surgery unit of the M.G. hospital Vannini has had a clinic dedicated to colon-proctological and pelvic floor pathology directed by Dr. Gianfreda since 2006.

The Digestive Endoscopic UOS which operates within the General Surgery UOC performs more than 2000 diagnostic/operative rectosigmoidocolonscopies every year.

The radiology service, in addition to carrying out common diagnostic tests for pathologies of the colorectal tract (also including virtual colonoscopy), provides a specific diagnosis service for functional pathologies of the pelvic organs (dynamic MRI of the pelvis with study of defecation and of urination).

In the general surgery department, more than 100 emergency and elective colorectal surgery operations are performed every year, laparoscopically and laparotomically.

Operations on the colorectal tract are performed for both malignant and benign pathologies (polyps, inflammatory diseases, diverticular diseases).

The General Surgery Unit also represents a center of excellence and reference for colonproctology and for the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies of the pelvic organs.

All pathologies of the pelvic organs are addressed with a multidisciplinary approach involving specialists in Urology and Gynecology. The multidisciplinary group is coordinated by Dr. Gianfreda.

In particular, internal and external rectal prolapse are treated with resection of the distal rectum with a mechanical stapler (STARR technique).

From 2006 until today, more than 1000 operations have been performed with this technique with full patient satisfaction, demonstrated by assiduous follow up (3, 6, 9 and 12 months, and once a year).

Multiorgan pelvic prolapse, on the other hand, is treated with the innovative P.O.P.S. technique. (Pelvic Organ Prolapse Suspension) performed laparoscopically.

At the same UOC, minor proctological pathologies such as fissures, perianal fistulas and abscesses and sacrococcygeal fistulas are also treated.

Elective operations for colon-proctological and pelvic floor pathologies are performed in the context of operating sessions exclusively dedicated to these pathologies.


U.O.S Colonproctology and Pelvic Organ Pathologies

M.G. Hospital Vannini

Via Acqua Bullicante, 4

00177 Rome





Type of Structure: Affiliated

Services and benefits:


E-MAIL: valeria.gianfreda@figliesancamillo.it – valeria.gfrda@gmail.com

TELEPHONE: 3485816687

TELEPHONE CUP reservations:


- Proctological visit

- Anoscopy

- Rectoscopy

- Digestive endoscopy

- Anal and rectal ultrasound

- Perineal ultrasound

- Defecography/DefecoRM

- Rx intestinal transit time

- Gynecological examination/urogynecological examination

- Urological visit

- Urodynamic examination

- Obstetric rehabilitation

- Coloproctological rehabilitation

- Ostomy clinic with enterostomy

- Colorectal oncology surgery clinic

- Tumor board digestive and colorectal surgery

- Multidisciplinary meeting on colorectal pathologies, pelvic organ pathologies and tricompartmental prolapses

- Interventional radiology with embolization of uterine fibroids

The following services are performed in structures connected to the UCP centre

 Transrectal ultrasound 3D probe

 Ultrasound endoscopy and biopsies for colorectal neoplasms


 Electromyography in UDN for neurological bladder pathologies with botulinum toxin infiltration

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