UCP Napoli-Vanvitelli


The UCP L. Vanvitelli was established in 2006 and is an integral part of the Complex Operational Unit of General, Minimally Invasive, Oncology and Obesity Surgery of the Luigi Vanvitelli University Hospital of Campania directed by Prof. Ludovico Docimo.

For over 15 years, at our UOC, an intense diagnostic and therapeutic activity has been carried out in the field of Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation through:

 diagnostic evaluations (ano-rectal manometry, study of rectal sensitivity, evaluation of pudendal neuropathy, and anatomical-morphological tests such as rectoscopies, anoscopies, etc.),

 conservative rehabilitation treatments, using the most modern instruments such as sensory and motor biofeedback, pelvic-perineal electrostimulation, functional magnetic stimulation, diathermy.

The clinic “Centre for the study, prevention and therapy of pelvic floor pathologies. Perineal pelvis rehabilitation", coordinated by Prof Luigi Brusciano, manages patients of all ages and affected by the most varied proctological pathologies with a daily influx: from children affected by anorectal malformations to adults and elderly people affected by various chronic pathologies, such as constipation, fecal incontinence , urinary incontinence and genital prolapses and pelvic pain, as well as all patients undergoing colo-proctological surgery at our UOC who require pre- and post-surgical rehabilitation treatment.

Furthermore, the activities carried out at this UCP allow the continuous recruitment of patients suffering from urinary and fecal incontinence, chronic constipation and chronic pelvic pain, who, not obtaining results from conservative treatment, require cutting-edge surgical interventions, such as sacral neuromodulation or the implantation of artificial sphincters, services that place the UOC as a regional and interregional reference for these pathologies

Furthermore, numerous healthcare professionals enrolled in our 2nd level University Masters in Colon-proctology and 1st level in Instrumental Diagnostics and Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation belong to the structure.

UCP L. Vanvitelli collaborates, for diagnostics, with the Endoscopy and Radiology Services (on site) and with some private centers for the provision of 3D endoanal ultrasound.


AOU University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli

UOC of General, Minimally Invasive, Oncological and Obesity Surgery

Director Prof. Ludovico Docimo

Via Sergio Pansini N° 5, New Polyclinic, Building 17 Ground Floor

ZIP code 80131 Naples







Type of Structure: Public


To contact UCP: 0815666653

Email: luigi.brusciano@unicampania.it

Services and services provided by UCP Napoli Vanvitelli or in associated structures:

 Proctological visit


 High definition anoscopy


 Digestive endoscopy

 Anorectal manometry

 Anal and rectal ultrasound

 Perineal ultrasound


 Gynecological examination/urogynecological examination

 Urological visit

 Urodynamic examination

 Coloproctological rehabilitation

 Coloproctological rehabilitation

 Pelvi-perineal rehabilitation: manual and postural therapy, diathermy, functional magnetic stimulation

 Colon hydrotherapy

 Sacral neuromodulator implantation

 Artificial sphincter implant

Booking methods

All services can be performed in agreement with the NHS 8SSN) or under the Intramoenia regime.

To access the UCP L. VANVITELLI:

Cup 800177780 with binding “COLONPROCTOLOGICAL VISIT”

The following tests are not affiliated with the NHS:

 360° 3D Endoanal Ultrasound

 Perineal ultrasound

They are performed at the Ruesch Clinic, Prof L. Brusciano (Villa Germana Viale Maria Cristina Di Savoia 26, 80122 Naples Naples) Private/Paid Service

Booking methods

Contact 3922120237

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