Unitary Italian Society of
Coloproctology-Third Sector Institution
A non-commercial and non-profit organisation, it is a free, apolitical and non denominational association, established with specific purposes.
UCP Centers

Anal fissure


Dr. Antonio Brillantino, SIUCP-ETS National Councilor

Dr. Pasquale Talento, President of SIUCP-ETS

Anal fissure represents a benign pathology characterized by a linear or oval ulceration of the anus (figures 1 and 2). It is generally localized at the level of the posterior commissure (up to 90% of cases) although it can affect, in ...

Diverticular disease of the colon

By Dr. Michele D'Ambra SIUCP-ETS National Councilor


By diverticulum we mean a structural alteration of the colon wall with the formation of sacs and/or pockets which are called diverticula.

Distribution in the population:

Prevalence 5% up to age 40; 40% at 60; 65% over 85

More common in males up to the sixth decade of ...

Guidelines for the management of anal fissure

Read the full article HERE

Morphological and functional study of the pelvic floor in magnetic resonance imaging (defeco-MRI)

By: Dr. Francesca Iacobellis, Medical Director of Diagnostic Radiology, UOC General and Emergency Radiology, AORN “A. Cardarelli”, Naples

 Dr. Luigia Romano, Director of General and Emergency Radiology UOC, AORN “A. Cardarelli”, Naples

Functional disorders of the pelvic floor include a variety of clinical conditions that mostly affect females and can have a high ...

Perianal Crohn's disease

By Dr. Andrea Braini, SIUCP-ETS National Councilor

Crohn's disease (CD) is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that can affect any part of the digestive system, i.e. from the mouth to the anal region.

At the perianal level the clinical picture can be complex and varied; in most cases it is represented ...


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